SEO: Search Engine Optimization
Epic Developers offers SEO & SMO Service. We hire expert developers for SEO & SMO Service. We believe SEO is not PUSH the content in Google or in MSN, SEO is what you want to say. SEO in not process the one can guarantee for this, if any company gives guarantee for this means trying to missed guide the client. Always keep in mind Google or any search engine company do not rank you site by paying money them. In SEO Process we will take care of to analysis your site and your competitor’s websites, after this will start gather original website content for your website. It helps to grow you website because Google like Original content. After keyword Research we will update your website wherever we find the problematical fault. Our SEO Process and work flow help the website to keep up to date
In SEO Service, Keyword Research, Keyword Selection, Content Analysis, XML Sitemap, Implementation of SEO Changes in Website, Website Promotion, SEO Reports, Webmaster tool Submission, SEO Friendly Designing, Social Bookmarking, Article Writing, Social Media Marketing, Pay per Click. One of the Best SEO Service Provide in Rajkot
Need SEO for your website to come one first page of Google? Or Required Healthy traffic of your website.
You are in right place where you can do your SEO or SMO Service. And get high rank on Google rank need proper way of work. We will try to provide quality work from our experiences.
The Process we always follow to get Healthy traffic in website.

Keyword Analysis
Website owners can easily manage their Email Accounts & Auto Responders, Webmail Access, Databases, FTP, Manage Domain Names, Managing Files, One-Click Applications.

High Alexa Rank
Create storage volumes, configure your virtual network and create and manage snapshots all within the DreamCompute Dashboard.

Page Rank
Datacenter locatated in Texas, U.S.A., Fully Redundant Network with NO Single Point of Failure, Multiple Bandwidth Providers, State of the Art Data Center with Backup Power Generators.

W3C Validate
Create as many subdomains ( as you want to customize your site.

Code Optimization
FTP is an easy method for transfering files from your local computer to Server.

Paid Website Promotion
You shouldn't have to pay for privacy. Free Domain Privacy Protection is included for all domains registered at DreamHost.

Friendly for All Search Engines
You shouldn't have to pay for privacy. Free Domain Privacy Protection is included for all domains registered at DreamHost.

Google Safe
You shouldn't have to pay for privacy. Free Domain Privacy Protection is included for all domains registered at DreamHost.

Give you full report and progress of SEO
You shouldn't have to pay for privacy. Free Domain Privacy Protection is included for all domains registered at DreamHost.
SMO: Social Media Optimization
In Social Media Optimization we will maintain you All Social Media Pages and gives you genuine likes and followers. In SMO, We don’t use any atomization script, we have large number group and pages we frequently add your post there and we will maintain your Social pages.